- Head of Lettuce, Head of Cauliflower
- Small ROUND Tomatoes
- Celery, Colored Peppers, Large Zucchini
- Opaque Container large enough for head of lettuce to fit into
- Round Toothpicks & Assorted sizes of Wooden Skewers
- Small Flower and Leaf Cookie Cutters
- Small Sharp Knife
- Curly Lettuce or Kale Leaves
I cannot express strongly enough how important presentation is whether it’s a simple dinner or a formal banquet. Something as simple as a vegetable/fruit bouquet can give your event that WOW factor. There is nothing more beautiful than using God’s palette of colors. WARNING … even though they are edible, your guests would rather look at them than eat them, so provide plenty extras on trays.
Firmly secure head of lettuce into container.
Slice off sections of cauliflower and place randomly over lettuce securing w. toothpicks.
With cookie cutters cut flower and leaf shapes out of assorted vegetables & secure onto skewers. Arrange as you would a floral bouquet using lettuce head as your anchor.
Fill in with loose kale or curly lettuce leaves.