We had such a wonderful response to our May 18 article about Baby Jay that we wanted to provide an update for those who sought more information. Jay underwent an 8-hour open heart surgery on May 20. We believe his mother’s words best tell his story, so have posted them below.
Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, May 20, 2020
“Overwhelmed. That’s the word of the hour. Y’all we have felt so strongly the prayers you have sent up.
Today was quite possibly one of the longest days of our lives so far. As we have said many times: GOD IS GOOD!! Jays heart surgery was a success!!
That little boy certainly has some fight in him that neither his Daddy nor I will ever be able to comprehend. He did amazingly well!! The surgeon said that the positive results of the surgery were almost instantaneous. His heart accepted the changes (as of now) and he’s resting … being highly medicated of course … but doing well. We’re not out of the woods yet as we have much still to work through with his health and anatomy but this kid, y’all, he’s up for the challenge.
It’s been a long day and we have a long road ahead of us, but I know today’s miracle is one of biblical proportions. Keep praying. We are witness to the power of those prayers and of Gods mercies! We’ll be here a while taking on the next step to his healing. Again, all we’ve been told is to prepare for a long stay while all those other details are figured out. But today was a true testimony of love, faith and healing. And our boy isn’t done yet!”
Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, May 24, 2020
“Today is a big day for Jay. They started weaning him off of his paralytic yesterday and started his Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) meds as well. That being said, if he tolerates the change and doesn’t go into PH crisis, then we begin waking him up even more. If not, they will have to go back in for another open heart surgery to do a bit of tweaking. Let’s all pray for the first of the two.
Can’t wait to see those baby blue eyes of his and hold our boy again! Thank you all for your continued prayers! Keep them coming! #prayforjay #lordhearourprayers #heartwarrior #godisgood #unBealevable #stronglilman #revelations21v4”
Because of insurmountable financial issues and the overwhelming strain and worry that Jen and Forest are dealing with, we, their family and friends, are reaching out to you to help them in any way possible. All donations are going directly to them. Please donate through the GoFundMe site — https://www.gofundme.com/f/helping-jason039s-heart
Team Baby Jay — https://bit.ly/SupportBabyJay