The Elders of Christ Church at 10087 League Line Road, Conroe, are excited to renew our worship experience at church, beginning this SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2020. We are a non-denominational body of Christ, and all visitors are welcome.
There are guidelines for the next few Sundays or so — No Sunday School and No Nursery or Children’s Church at this time. We’ll announce when those can begin again.
For now, we recommend making every effort NOT to hug or shake hands. If you are compelled to hug someone, please don’t make it awkward for that person. Ask permission first! The goal is to maintain 6’ minimum distance between individuals (except among family units) during the entire worship experience
Face mask and/or gloves are optional. The church will not be able to supply these items. Hand sanitizer may be available in small quantities as they are still difficult to find in stores.
Greeting on arrival at church — To avoid handshaking and temptation to hug, no greeters will greet or pass out bulletins.
Bulletins will be placed on the bench or nearby podium for self-help
Some Elders will be around to verbally greet arrivals and explain any questions about social interaction measures
You are urged to proceed directly to the sanctuary to avoid lingering in a crowded foyer
No choir initially. Instrumentalists maintain 6’ spacing minimum
Seating by family units, every other row recommended.
Families maintain 6’ spacing from other families or individuals
Communion will not start until the third Sunday in May (5/17) to give time to get this flow normalized. Before communion resumes expect more detail on exactly how we will proceed
Ministering with laying-on of hands, anointing with oil at the alter will not initially be accomplished
Please DO NOT hold hands for the dismissal prayer (Christ Church tradition).
Plan to leave by rows (rear rows first) when dismissed.
Emphasis is NOT to congregate in the foyer – honor social distancing
If desire to visit/chat, do it outside so we can maintain spacing and not bunch up as we leave the service