MONTGOMERY, Texas – A short conversation with a soldier about to deploy to Iraq was just the beginning of Marlene Summers’ grand plan to support the heroes serving our nation overseas. Her humble idea to provide words of encouragement and a taste of home to a few soldiers was such a rousing success that she soon needed help meeting the requests for more.
“I couldn’t do any of this without the help of the volunteers who spend time writing notes, packing cookies and raising funds to continue sending our “Chocolate Chip Hugs” to our troops,” said Summers, founder of Grammy’s Cookie Convoy.
Each cookie the nonprofit sends to American soldiers is accompanied by a note of encouragement, a letter or a child’s drawing thanking them for their service.
In order to continue doing this important work, the 501(c)(3) is raising funds through its upcoming Grammy’s Cookie Convoy Golf Tournament. Scheduled for Nov. 8, 2018, at the Woodforest Golf Club, 1199 Fish Creek Thoroughfare, Montgomery, 77316, sponsorships are still available for several areas of the tournament. For more information contact Summers at grammyscookieconvoy@gmail.com.
Golfers can sign up for the tournament for $150 per person, which includes green fees, cart, range balls, tee gift, lunch and a buffet dinner. For more information or to register for the tournament visit troopsproject.com/golf-tournament/.
“Each shipment costs thousands of dollars, something we just cannot do without the help of our fellow Americans,” Summers said. “I hope everyone who can will come out and support our cause, whether through donations or notes, or volunteering to do the myriad things needed to make our support of the troops a reality.”
Grammy’s Cookie Mission
As a non-profit organization, our goal is to let those who serve this great nation know we honor their commitment and remain appreciative for their unselfish sacrifice. Our mission is to share a “Hug” with all our troops by sending gourmet chocolate chip cookies. The “Chocolate Chip Hugs” we share represent something much larger than just satisfying one’s sweet tooth. It is our way of thanking the brave heroes who serve and protect a grateful nation. Grammy’s Cookie Convoy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit – all sponsorship donations are tax deductible. Corporate sponsor will be provided with an official tax receipt upon request.