THE WOODLANDS, Texas – Dec. 29, 2017 – After rain from Hurricane Harvey filled their home with water last August, fourth-grader Landon Hayek and his mom, Jenn Hayek, started drawing pictures and writing down their thoughts about the experience.
Those images and reflections eventually became a book, which Landon will read at The Woodlands Children’s Museum Friday, Jan. 5, during Storybook Theatre.

Landon Hayek, a fourth-grade student at Creekview Elementary School, will read a book he co-wrote with his mother, Jenn Hayek, at The Woodlands Children’s Museum on Friday, Jan. 5.
Landon, 10, will read “They Called Him Harvey” at 11 a.m. at 4775 W. Panther Creek Drive, Suite 280.
His reading will be followed by a meet-and-greet until 12:30 p.m., when Landon and Jenn will sign and sell copies of the book ($10). The mother and son plan to donate a portion of the book proceeds to families in their community affected by Hurricane Harvey.
“We’re so impressed with Landon, and I love the idea of transforming the painful emotions that he and his mom experienced into a book with the potential to help others,” said Angela Colton, executive director of the museum. “I know their thoughts and observations will ring true for a number of families in our community, and maybe Landon will inspire other children to draw and write about their own experiences.”
Landon, who attends Creekview Elementary School in The Woodlands’ Creekside Park village, dreams of becoming a meteorologist when he is older.
In 2016, Landon’s home was among the many Houston-area houses affected by flooding during Memorial Day weekend. The family rebuilt most of the house’s first floor and was just getting back into a normal routine when Hurricane Harvey brought more than 60 inches of rain and record flooding to the region.
This time, the water rose about six times higher than the Hayek’s home. As of December, the family was still in the rebuilding process.
Jenn and Landon say the drawing and writing they did shortly after Harvey has been very therapeutic, and they hope the book they wrote will help others.
“They Called Him Harvey” is available on Amazon and as an ebook in the Kindle Store.
Storybook Theatre and the meet-and-greet are included in the museum’s $6 admission for guests age 1 and older. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. The Woodlands Children’s Museum is recommended for ages 7 and younger.
For more information, visit or call 281-465-0955.
About The Woodlands Children’s Museum
The Woodlands Children’s Museum is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to educating, empowering and exciting children and their families in lifelong learning and discovery. The Museum also provides multi-ethnic and multicultural experiences encouraging children to celebrate and embrace cultural and global differences and strengthen common bonds. Year-round, hands-on activities – from reading and art to science and magic – are all intended to make a positive difference in the life of a child.