According to the “rules,” a restaurant critic should not “try to convince the world to visit or not visit the restaurant … so here I am with my first critique, breaking the rules!
Well, not exactly, I’m not really trying to convince the whole world – just everyone in and around Conroe, Lake Conroe, Montgomery, and Willis! So, here goes. And, while I may not be able to convince you to visit this delightful restaurant, if I don’t succeed it’s definitely your loss.
Toward the end of a truly exciting but lazy, and completely fun day celebrating our 34 years of marriage (as well as his birthday, but we’re not admitting his age) we discovered Magnolia Diner at 19784, Texas Hwy. 105, Montgomery.
Our food was outstanding and enormous – one Chicken Fried Steak and one Shrimp Platter. Tonight I just finished my third meal from my shrimp, and my husband finished his second helping of the steak. Even reheated, it was great.
Here at LakeConroeTXonline we do our best to support our local businesses – especially when they provide a great product and great service.