My first face-to-face meeting with a goat didn’t last very long, because it turned into a face-to-backside, not-so-pleasant calamity when Mr. Billy Goat’s face butted my backside!
But, I learned the valuable lesson that day, at the ripe old age of eight, that billy goats are best visited from the other side of a strong fence!
Now, many years later, I still remember that encounter and laugh at my childhood innocence. Even so, I recently decided to venture out to visit a local goat farm with the sole intent of buying milk and cheese, and ended up having great fun watching the “kids” romping around and jumping straight up into the air for no other apparent reason than just the sheer joy of it.
A short visit with their owner convinced me that in addition to being absurdly alluring, sociable and affectionate, goats are quite intelligent. So intelligent, that latches on a gate quite often are no deterrent to their desire to get to the greener grass, so to speak.
But, I’m meandering … I intended this post to tell you all about Montgomery County resources for goat products, so here goes.
Findley Follies Farm is a relatively short drive southeast of Conroe, just off of FM 242 and Firetower Road, and Lenny and Barb Findley love to show off their MiniMancha Dairy goats and a flock of Production Reds and Speckled Sussex chickens.
Of course, they sell their eggs, milk, yogurt, kefir and cheese, and give you wonderful samples to try before you buy, and they love to tell you about the health benefits of their products. Call for an appointment at 281-686-5925.
Another short drive from Conroe – about 10 miles east on FM 105 – takes you to Cheesemakers, Inc., where the Keliehor Family, Amy and James and their twins Carson and Caylin invite visitors to a two-hour session that includes a cheese tasting and a lesson on cheese making. You can schedule your session by calling 936-537-3570.
Cheesemakers produces the Jaimito Brand Mexican cow’s milk cheeses and Lone Star soft goat cheese. James says he grew up on his family farm where he learned about making dairy products such as butter, butter milk, and fresh soft cheese curds on their dairy farm.